It has been reported that 90% of Minnesota drivers have not applied for their Real ID which they will need to board planes starting October 1, 2020. So, when you get going and finally pull all the documents you need please watch the monitors to see when they call your number. While you wait, look for the SaverNotes ad on the overhead screens! About SaverNotes,…
CONTINUE READING >I am not a tech guy but I do feel I take as many steps as possible to keep my computer up to-date, secure and backed up. So, when things were not going well with accessing some websites I backed up my data and headed to Geek Squad. I took screen shots of what was happening and then off my corporate computer took screen shots…
CONTINUE READING >You can purchase a service as suggested in this article or if you have the discipline do as I did and buy two back up portable storage with 1 terabyte of storage. Label one with a 1 and the other with a 2. 1 is for odd days and the 2 is for even days. I back up my SaverNotes computer at the end of the day,…
CONTINUE READING >My wife just renewed her MN driver’s license that should have been good for four years but now she will have to go back in less than two years because the state did not tell her to bring documents to get a Real ID that will be required to fly starting October 1, 2020. Go to the state website and get the list of items you…
CONTINUE READING >When you combine longevity with inflation, it adds up to a perfect storm for baby boomers, who must make their savings stretch for decades. Here’s how to help safely steer around the danger. Mom lived to 94.5 and odds are that I will meet or beat that age so how do I also beat the top 2 risks for retirees? This article points out that…
CONTINUE READING >This recent study shows that buying and holding a diverse set of index funds beats hedge funds and individual stock pickers over an extended period of time. The active manager may beat index funds once in a while but over time it is much better to invest in low cost index funds. …the index investing-golf analogy, you can be a “scratch golfer” without even having to…